The tag line of my blog is "Inspiring Winsome Homes and Hearts". Our hearts hold what we put there--what we read, listen to, and watch.
Taking inventory, I ask myself: What books are on my night stand?
If you are a reader, check your nightstand. If you don't like to read, check your playlist.
What channel comes on when you push "play" on the remote? What topics dominate your blog list? What magazines do you buy?
Jesus said, "Out of the heart, the mouth speaks." So, we must choose wisely what we input into our hearts, if we want our words to be winsome.

The founder of Speak Up, Carol Kent, joked, “We won’t remove your butterflies entirely; we’ll just get them to fly in formation.” She has written her own moving story in several books: 

When I Lay My Isaac Down...
A New Kind of Normal...
and Between a Rock and a Grace Place.
I'd highly recommend both the seminar and the books; they are good input for our hearts, inspiring us to speak winsome words.
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