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About three hours north of the US/Canadian border is the most European city this side of the Atlantic: Ville de Quebec. Last week, my husband and I paid a three-day visit to mini-'Pair-ee".

Window boxes overflowing with blossoms

and sidewalk cafes brimming with patrons remind visitors of the city's European cousin.

It's no wonder the city is reminiscent of the old country. Sitting above the St. Lawrence River,

the Chateau Frontenac dominates the horizon.
When you drive into the hotel's courtyard, the bellmen greet you in Quebecois, the Canadian version of French.
With your valise deposited in your room, a walking tour of the hilly city reminds you of the city's European roots. Perhaps it is the tin mosaic roofs between parapet gables...
or the cobbled streets that transport visitors' minds across the Atlantic.

The Old fortified city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Doubtless the new world immigrants brought their love of flowers from the old country.

Canada's history was dominated first by French fur traders,


then by English soldiers.

The result is Canada's version of peaceful coexistence.

Maybe the French nuns taught the children to love their neighbors as themselves,

or maybe it was their Anglican counterparts who reinforced the Lord's love.

Today, conversations in Quebec City flow between French and English without rancor. However, I must hasten to add, their palates have never left Paris.


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