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Announcing New Speaking Service

  •  Two friends and I have developed a speaking service to inspire women to reflect God's inviting grace in their homes and from their hearts.  We are calling this venture:  GRACIOUS  INTERIORS MINISTRY. 
  • PJ Duling has filled many roles in life, but none more uniquely and abundantly than that of mother.  Life has handed her numerous twists on the road of parenting:  mother, foster mother, single mother, stepmother, mother-in-law, and grandmother.  "Motherhood:  Compassion, Courage, Commitment" is a topic close to her heart.  Widowed at the age of thirty-five and a single parent for ten years, PJ takes God's charge to teach younger women seriously.  In an age of culturally-confused womanhood, she leads women's hearts back to Scripture, because she believes there you, too, can find strength to lovingly mother.
  • Janette Godfrey teaches ladies' Bible studies in her church and also speaks at women's events to inspire women to reflect our winsome Lord.  One of her studies, "Wings of Grace", leads women to recognize and receive God's confirming and consoling grace in their lives.  Another, "Cherished Friends" offers biblical principles and illustrations of how to become and make treasured friends.  Finally, "Manners by the Book", based on a curriculum Janette coauthored, conveys the biblical foundation and gives practical examples of good manners that moms will want to teach their children.
  • I am the third voice in the trio.  I enjoy demonstrating "Making a Joy-Full Home".  On a deeper note, because the Lord has met me in desperate situations, I have developed a series called "Meeting God at the Wailing Wall".  I love to encourage others using page-turning biblical stories of how the Lord met men and women of old at their "walls", answered their prayers, and sent them away rejoicing.

  • The three of us welcome invitations to speak at women's seminars, club meetings, spiritual retreats, or Bible studies.  Whether speaking singly, as a duo, or trio, we look forward to becoming your spiritual sisters, encouraging one another to mirror our wonderful Lord.

  • If you are interested in more information, leave a comment, and I will respond.  


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