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Celebrating Two Miracles

God tells us to "rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep."  Recently, I attended a baby shower where every guest rejoiced over two miracles.

The first miracle is the life of the baby born prematurely at twenty-four weeks of gestation, weighing one pound eleven ounces, but who on the day of the shower was up to six and a half pounds, breathing on his own, and responding to all stimuli around him.

The second miracle is the life of the hostess--the paternal grandmother of the miracle baby.  My dear friend, Peggy, has had metestatic breast cancer for over twenty years, but has survived (as she would say, by the grace of God) not only to see her four children into adulthood, but also to see this miraculous first grandchild.

In spite of offers from friends to hostess the event, Peggy insisted on throwing her own celebration.  From the street passers-by were alerted to the party.

As guests approached, more balloons waved joyously!

Still not enough, a glorious autumnal wreathe celebrated Dexter's life.

Inside, Peggy had pulled out all the stops, purchasing every stuffed animal in Lancaster.  A giraffe as tall as a human and a lion waist-high greeted guests in the foyer.  Animals hid in the center-piece,

and peered from chest tops...

Jungle friends could be spied among fruit trees...

and over-looking the cake.

Every guest wished the brave young mother and both grandmothers God-speed.

Finally, as each guest left, they were instructed to take a stuffed animal for each of their children or each of their grandchildren!

Celebrating with those who were rejoicing was pure joy!


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