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Birthday Party Work Zone

Two-year-old little boys love trucks, heavy equipment, well actually, any machine that goes vroom, vroom.  Oh, let's get real; twelve-year-old boys, twenty-two-year old young men, even sixty-two-year-old men like machines-on-wheels.  This fetish inspired my daughter to build her little boy's birthday party theme around construction equipment.

The invitations dug the foundation.
Yellow, black, and white balloons directed traffic to the site.
Front porch signs cautioned pedestrians to proceed with caution.

Once inside, young guests donned hard hats

to avoid construction hazards above

and below.
Each young construction worker found a bag of equipment with his or her name.

The guest of honor discovered a road running across the table....

and a truck driving across his cake.

For a little boy growing up in a yogurt-and-humus home,

 the Oreo-cookie dirt was an especially tasty treat!

Opening his gifts,

he uncovered new trucks--trash trucks, cement mixers, and dump trucks.

At nap time, little man went to sleep with heavy equipment surrounding him.

Sweet dreams and happy birthday, big boy.


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