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Fresh Starts, Renewed Goals

Do you love the clean slate of January 1? I do. First, there is the physical overhaul which involves putting away the decorations and sweeping up the pine needles; then there is the transfer of last year's important dates to the new calendar. Actually, both fresh starts are a blessing.

When I am enjoying the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree, I always think that I will leave it up into the new year. However, after the ball drops, I am ready to put away the tinsel and give the house a clean sweep. Similarly, when the calendar flips from December to the new year, the blank pages motivate me start afresh filling my days productively and leave me wondering what events will fill the blank pages.

This year is no different.  As much as I have enjoyed the swaged lights on the fence and the red bows on the lampposts, I am ready for a simpler winter scape. Here is how I changed the house scenery.

Outside the wreath of shiny red Christmas balls was replaced by one of magnolia leaves. In my opinion, the red berries still look festive, but the Burberry ribbon makes it less of a Christmas wreath and more a winter decoration.

On the front stoop, I decided the snowballs could stay, but I removed the red bow on the wire basket.

Inside snowmen replace carolers.

 Snowflakes appear where there were wise men and shepherds.
I left the poinsettias, because the white blooms seem to bridge the calendar from December to January.

Similarly, the white cyclamen repeats the winter's color-scheme.

Just as January brings a pared down aesthetic to my house decor; it also brings a simpler style to my life. No more cards to write or gifts to wrap. Now I can linger over coffee, read a good book, and take time for exercise and contemplation.

However, my new year's resolutions won't tolerate too much leisure. I am freshly motivated to accomplish a writing project begun several years ago. I am determined not to waste a day. Each new morning, I aim to rise early and be productive.

Actually, each new morning is an opportunity to reset. As Anne of Green Gables said to Marilla, "Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?"

It is easy to set ourselves up for failure in the new year, but thankfully, the Lord's mercies are new every morning, and his mercy triumphs over judgment!

Happy fresh starts, my friends, in your house and in your life!


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