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People Over Pretty

I like to think of myself as a stage setter, arranging tablescapes and rooms to make for happy family times. This fourth of July was no exception, but rather than show you my center piece or describe my menus to you, I will share my most prized memories from the week. These involve people, not food or flowers.
Here are a few of my favorite photos from the week:
Our youngest daughter and her family arrived first, and we took a walk in the drizzling rain at Mount Gretna,
capped off with hamburgers and ice cream at The Jigger Shop.
 Tuesday found us singing "Jesus Loves Me" while Great Grandma played.
Oregon Dairy's playground and farm animals were a hit in the middle of the week.
By July fourth, everyone was here to enjoy the swimming pool.
The kids enjoyed trying water pistols and showing the grandparent's new swimming skills.
THE highlight of the week was a visit to an Amish farm on Friday.
My husband's patient even hitched her horse to their buggy and gave us all buggy rides!
As the week progressed, all the adults tried to make each child feel special. Baseball games provided an opportunity.
Our first grandchild surprised all of us by routinely getting a hit on the first pitch!
Our second oldest grandchild, was so excited about his hit
 that he carried the bat on his way around the bases. 
Our third grandchild was so happy about his home-run, that he gave himself a spontaneous two-thumbs up!
Then our adorable 20-month old watched from the sidelines.
At the next reunion, he will be in the middle of any game which involves a ball.
We will have to wait and see how our youngest two grandchildren take to baseball.

It was work to keep everyone safe, fed, and happy...but now the house is sadly quiet. I would love to have a little boy come down from upstairs or up from downstairs to retrieve these toys that were left under the furniture.
These two figures were abandoned under a table, evidence of one of many make-believe games.
 Alas, it is not to be. I will have to live on my mental snapshots of priceless memories. They are more indelible than fading flowers or left-overs.


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