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Beatrix Potter Birthday Party

Last month, our daughter and son-in-law hosted a pink-and-gold, Beatrix Potter birthday party for our darling one-year-old granddaughter.

When guests arrived,

Peter Rabbit greeted them.

He clearly was ignoring Mr. McGregor's warning.

In the dining room, the table was set for the big celebration.

The cake took center stage with its banner flying.

The bunnies had gathered  atop the cake for their own party.

Each place setting was marked by a clay pot where a Beatrix Potter character perched to welcome the guest to their place.

The little people had their own table.

However, before dinner was served, guests had to pass photos of birthday-girl's first year on their way to the appetizers.

After looking at the album and chatting, everyone enjoyed a buffet served from the kitchen table...

where another family of bunnies were gathered in that centerpiece.

At the end of the main course, the traditional "Happy birthday to You" was sung by birthday-girl's adoring fans. She clearly was delighted.

Meanwhile, big brothers were anxiously awaiting a bite of the birthday cake.

Everyone agreed: it looked good enough to eat.

According to the guest of honor,"Once I rolled up my sleeves...

and took off this hat….

 ...the five variegated pink layers of cake were yummy!"

Next, all the guests adjourned to the hearth room for the opening of presents.

Not surprising, her parents' present was wrapped to coordinate with the color scheme. :)

Birthday-girl's favorite gift--hands down--was the doll house given to her by her paternal grandparents.

Before her cousins and brothers said goodnight, they each got a party favor with their own Beatrix Potter character.

I AM sorry to say that Peter and the birthday party guests were not very well that night after the chips, guacamole, chicken enchiladas, rice & beans, tossed salad, and birthday cake.

Their mothers put them to bed, and gave them each a dose of  camomile tea!

‘One table-spoonful to be taken at bed-time.’
Illustration from the classic children's story The Tale Of Peter Rabbit, by Beatrix Potter
the end


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