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Last Kid Chosen

I am convinced that feeling left out is universal. Since my blogging career began, I have read bloggers answering questions passed to them from another blogger. No one ever asked me to answer questions, until today. Finally, Lindsay of The Pursuit of Style picked me. For the sake of transparency:  She passed the torch to anyone reading her blog, but who cares? I refuse to feel like the kid who got picked last.
So, here are my responses to some of the questions she was asked and to some of the new ones she posed:

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?  I would live near all three of my children--at once, but they are in three cities in three different states. Since that is impossible, I would live right where I do, across a covered bridge from an Amish farm.

What holiday traditions do you look forward to? Yearly the Friday after Thanksgiving, we take a horse and wagon ride to cut our tree at a nearby Christmas tree farm. Then on Christmas Eve, we always participate in the candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols at our church. 

What book did you recently read and love? The book that sticks with me is Unbroken.

What is your dream job? Before I had children, I was a reporter for The Richmond Times Dispatch in their Charlottesville bureau. It combined my love for meeting people and for writing. How blessed I was to have had my dream job!

What is your favorite city? I love the cities where our kids live: Richmond, VA; Washington, DC and Kansas City, KS. Of the three, I'd have to vote for DC, because I grew up across the river in Virginia, and loved its vibrancy, its architecture, and its history.

Who is your favorite artist? I'd have to say Mary Cassatt because of her subject matter: mothers and children.
Do you collect anything? If so what? I am a collector of antiques: ironstone dishes, copper cookware, brass candlesticks, and blue and white Canton Chinese porcelain. 
What website do you visit most often?  I check RealClearPolitics a couple of times a day, because it compiles the best editorials from around the country from both liberal and conservative publications.

Ok, now it is your turn. Consider yourself picked first by me to answer these questions:
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
What holiday traditions do you look forward to?
What book did you recently read and love?
What is your dream job?
What is your favorite city?
Who is your favorite artist?
What do you collect?
What website do you visit most often?

If you don't have a blog, leave your answers as a comment. If you answer on your blog, please get back to me so I can get acquainted with your blog and read your answers. Just think. We get to play. :)


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