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Season of Thanks

Autumn is aflame with the glory of God. As bookends, two trees in our yard evidence the Creator's touch and make me especially thankful.

In the front, his touch is illustrated by a blazing sugar maple. I am so thankful I have eyes to see.
And, in the backyard, a japanese maple droops before Him. Beautifully, he has made all nature to proclaim his praise.
Inside, I have placed scenes such as the plump turkey and the autumnal-colored sedum to remind me that November, in particular, is a month to give thanks.
The dried fruits and seed pods in the arrangement on my dining room table make me think of the harvest hymn: "all is safely gathered in before the winter storms begin."
Finally, pottery pilgrims remind me of our ancestors' example of sharing with others and giving thanks.

Every day, all year, we are to give thanks in everything, but in the United States we have set aside the fourth Thursday in November as the national day of Thanksgiving. Especially this month, please join me in giving thanks to the Lord, the God of heaven, for he is good. His love endures forever" (Psalm 136).


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